Friday, October 31, 2008


I am taking a break from the blogsite. It appears that no one is interested in sending me any photos or stories of their families or lives and I'm sure you are all dreadfully sick and tired of hearing about and seeing pictures of my silly life and family, so I am going away for awhile.

If anyone does want to send me something, feel free, and I will post it. Until that happens, I'm giving it a rest.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season!

Take care.



  1. I don't blame you for getting frustrated. Do you feel comfortable giving out your new email address in case we do want to send you something?

  2. I could swear I gave it out once before in a mass e-mail about Mike's fundraiser, but here it is again:

  3. You've done a great job and it has been fun to read. Thank you for all you have done for our class. You have put alot of time and effort into this blog & it has been very much appreciated!!!

  4. Carron:
    You have done a great job, it has fun to catch up on so many people most of us otherwise would not have been able to. I will really miss it. I click on the site atleast 3-4 times a week. I feel comfotable saying alot of will miss this a huge amount.
    Thanks For All You Do For Other People!!!! Darcie

  5. Hi Carron, My name is Michelle Lukan. I don't know if you remember me but I was in the 1982 class at Anamosa HS. I used to hang out with Carlene Penny and Tammy Hanken. Tammy is the person who told me about this website. I think Brenda, her sister, told her.

    I have really enjoyed going to this website and catching up on people. Even though it is not my class, I knew alot of people from the 1981 class. I just wanted to say "Thank You" for all of the hard work that you have done keeping this blog going. I visit it almost daily and find it very interesting and entertaining.

    Personally, I like all of your postings. You keep it lively and fun. Your personality shines through! I just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated!

    Thanks again and I will miss your comments and pictures.

    P.S. I hope you are feeling better.

    Michelle Lukan
    Seattle, WA

  6. Please don't quit. Please. I look forward to this every day.

  7. It has been nice to keep up with what everyone's doing. You should take a break, recover, and recharge your batteries. Don't let the naysayers bring you down.

  8. The "naysayer" (singular) is not getting me down, considering I know who it is and I simply consider the source.

    It's just that I want the CLASS to participate in a CLASS blogsite. I truly appreciate all your comments of encouragement and I would be more than happy to devote my time to continuing the blog, but it can't be just about me. Heavens, short days, dark nights and winter are coming. That's depressing enough.

    I don't know about all of you, but I LOVE hearing about and from my classmates. I don't care if it's a picture of their ferret going poop. It's just all in good fun.

    (It just occured to me that my "ferret going poop" comment was probably offensive to my naysayer. Sorry.)

    Anywhooooo, in my attempt to keep the blog going without much help from my classmates, I became bored with my own life and seeing my own ugly (and getting bigger daily) mugshot, so I can only imagine how you all felt. Enough Carron already.

    We could always have a Spider Solitare tournament. Kind of like the Texas Hold 'Em tournaments you see on TV? Would that be as exciting as hell or what?

    My apologies..... I think the drugs from my root canal this morning are making an appearance.

    GO VOTE!!

  9. Good Lord, woman, you just had your "procedure" last week and now a root canal? Are you serious?

    If it's any consolation, Nov. 4th should be a happy day for you! HA!
