Saturday, June 14, 2008

Photos of CR flood

Dan and I did exactly what the media and cops are telling people NOT to do. We went on a gawking tour of Cedar Rapids and took these pictures. The TV shots and the newspaper photos do not begin to do it justice. It is absolutely horrific and beyond comprehension.

For amazing photos of the Anamosa devastation, visit the Class of 1980 blogsite for pics taken by Lisa Heitland.


  1. Those are really great shots of the different areas that are affected. The flood came within two blocks from our home. Fortunately we only had ground water from all of the rain saturate our basement. Our hearts go out to all of those who lost everything. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP IF YOU CAN.
    Kathy Alderdyce

  2. Hey, Kath!! I went to Prairie High School yesterday (which is now a Red Cross Disaster Site) to donate a bunch of pillows, comforters, and blankets. You all would have been humbled and amazed by the volume of people helping and donations being made. It's no wonder the media is commenting on how wonderful the people of Iowa are for doing what they were told, doing it quickly, and jumping right back in to clean up without complaining! I'm without a job right now due to the floods, but my kids and family are safe and we have a beautiful, dry home to live in. I ain't complaining about nothin'!!
