Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Carron - How's it going?

Things here are going great! I arrived in Baghdad, and reached the US Embassy. My job is extremely interesting and has the potential to be very 'high adventure' in the rebuilding of Iraq.

I work outside of the 'International Zone' (IZ) or you may hear 'green zone' on CNN, at the Iraq HQ's (Adnon Palace) that houses the Baghdad Operations Command (BOC). I'm the Deputy (2nd in charge) of the Advisory Team that is embedded with the Iraqi's.

I live in a 15x30 foot trailer that is located within the IZ directly behind the US Embassy. You probably won't believe this; however, I was issued a Dodge Durango (total piece of shit) to get around the IZ and a US Cell Phone When I go outside of the IZ (safe area), I have to use my Personal Security Detachment which consists of 12 Soldiers, 4 heavily armored HUMVEE's, and a ton of weapons.

I've participated in two joint Iraqi/US patrols and plan to accompany LTG Abud (3 Star) tonight to some meeting with all of his subordinate commanders......should be a lot of fun!

Although I've only spent five nights in my quarters, we have taken indirect (mortars) fire on two of the five nights....thank God none of them hit too close; however, they definitely rock the place and you know that they are there!

Looking forward to staying in touch and will send you an update for the Blog with a few photos in the next couple of days. I'm just about acclimated and finally sleeping through the night.

Take care and I hope you have a great Holiday season!


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