Friday, December 15, 2006

(Poor Sharon. Let's all share our potty training advice with her. Diane and I promised her that Rachel will NOT go to kindergarten in diapers.)

Thanks, Carron.

Rachel is really being a little shit right now!! She refuses to get potty trained and we are soooo frustrated... and tired of changing shitty diapers on 2 kids!!!! She is sooo strong willed and extremely stubborn, and getting very sassy. Not even the threat of Santa not coming works...she could care less, so long as she doesn't have to go on the potty. We have tried putting her in big girl panties all day and then she holds it ALL DAY LONG. Can you imagine being that stubborn??? (Um, Sharon, do you really want me to answer this?) ERRHHHHH...this too shall pass, but until it does I'm gonna need a lot of wine and prozac! :0)

Thanks for the words of encouragement. Oh, dear GOD!!!!! I will pray for you and your teen boy! I dread this....... :o) It's gotta be tough being a mom to teens these days.....Hang in there, woman!

I am going to send you some $$$ for "the" package also. Another great idea from the class of '81 led by the most caring person in the world! Good job, Carron! Have fun shopping!

Love ya, woman!

Sharon (Covington)

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first time Ellyn went poop in the potty. I have the most priceless picture and I am holding it to share at her graduation or her wedding.

    The day will come, honey. Just hold on.... that new baby could be playing a part and just let it play out. It is not catastrophic. You'll be fine. Keep the wine and Prozac nearby and you'll be fine.

    And, Di and I are only a phone call away. We love you.

    I am excited about "the" package. Dorman stopped in my office to drop off some money. Looked up and there he was. Scared the crap out of me.

    Hang in there...... we all love you.

