Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006

Loved the pictures of the "mini reunion" at Thanksgiving....looks like you all had fun. Lance came home the day before Thanksgiving and will be here until after the New Year. He went job hunting this morning...before his oil pipeline days he was a cowboy/ he found a job today to "kill time" until he goes back to the oil fields.
I'm wasting time at the moment...don't want to finish a paper that is due tomorrow. Thought I'd just pop in and see what's been happening with you. Only two more weeks of school, then a final the next week, then we're off until January 16th. I'm soooooo ready for it!
I've attached a couple more pictures. One is of Lance during a coyote hunt competition last January. The other is of me with the executive director and president of the Colorado Education Association. I had received an engraved clock for serving on the state board of directors for seven years. That was one of my best memories of my teaching years.
Well, I guess the paper won't write itself. Better "hut two" and git 'er done..........
Tell everyone hi...
I suppose since you came at Thanksgiving, Steph, you won't be here at Christmas. Does your Mom still live in town? How about Mike? Is he around?
My older brother still lives in town and my younger brother lives down the street from me in Marion. Unfortunately, I see him all the time.
Hey Mark, I got some incriminating pictures from a toga party I had with your big old moon going on. Maybe I will get that posted for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Maybe lots of people will be back at Christmas.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Click on the above link to see a picture of Tina and Donelle Hatcher. Tina got 2nd place in a recipe contest at the PumpkinFest in October. She is holding her award-winning pumpkin cobbler bars!
Whoo-hoo for Tina.

That's awesome! It's generally around 40 in the morning when I ride to work. I have yet to put on the chaps but's that's probably because the shop is only 10 miles away and I don't feel like messing with the stuff. Sounds like you had a nice, fun little ride! We'll do something like that once in a while both in the DFW metroplex and out in the Texas country. There are plenty of joints around here that have bike parking.
I hate the phone! I'm on it a lot at work and avoid it once I get off work. I used to be a network design engineer at MCI and then later at Cingular Wireless. I was on the phone all the friggin' time arguing with vendors and phone companies. By the time I got home, I wouldn't talk on the phone or even answer the door. I'd let my boxer answer the door for me :-) and the person usually left immediately.
Fair warning: If a call comes through and I don't recognize the name/number, I will not answer it. I'll add yours to my address book and depending on where I'm at or what I'm doing, I'll gladly pick up. But I will generally answer a call from the 319 area code.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Peace out, biker bitch!
P.S. I need to replace the cable to my scanner and then I can scan some pics (you know the ones that people take for you that are still not using a digital camera?)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Have fun at your Thanksgiving weekend bash..... Try to say nice things about me. You'll be happy to know we got down to the mid 40's for overnight lows, and in a few places set some record low temps.
I've been meaning to scan and e-mail more photos from France and our June 1980 band trip to South Dakota. Lots of shots of class of '80 members as well. Will have to forward them to webmaster (or is it web-mistress? -- sounds kind of naughty) Lisa Heitland. Plus I still owe Brenda H. a CD of France photos.
Got to agree with Karla B. about the smoke at Tuckers. After Tina and I got back to my parents house from our 'reunion' last September, we tossed ALL our smoky clothes outside on their patio and put them in the wash next morning.
I'll see if I can get some computer time over the long weekend.
Ciao, baby.....

Not up to much other than going to work. I will try to find a photo of something significant although I not sure what that would be.
Everything is going fine. Not looking forward to my birthday.
If I am in town Saturday, I will stop in. We had talked about going to Des Moines to see my niece play basketball, but not sure what the final plan is.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Say hello to your entire family. I will let you know what I am doing as far as Saturday night.
Love you,
Sorry to be slow to respond. Yesterday was one of those days at the office where I seem to be always about 1 hour behind where I should be.
How is your dad doing? I have been praying for you all through this time. You have been blessed with good news as far as cancer, but the surgerys on our parents are not easy on any of us. My Dad has had more then his share the last couple years (2 hip replacements, kidney surgery, and a 4way heart by-pass). He's finally doing better I think. It's hard not to worry though. It seems "Red" never was sick when I was a kid so he's not very good at it! :)
We are looking forward to having our oldest son Victor home for Thanksgiving. He lives in Wichita and we don't get to see him often. He travels for a professional theatre troop. They do shows geared for children and go into schools all over the midwest. They also teach classes and seminars to the young people about acting. He is not only acting but is also the manager of the tour so he has had a taste of the real world!
Jim's family is planning their Thanksgiving for Saturday so it is doubtful we can come. If something changes, we will try to make it. It would be nice to see everyone again.
I have enjoyed so much keeping up with everyone on this site. I am hoping to get a site started for class of 1982. I also think a 3 year reunion would be a great idea!! I would love to help get one going. I have relived many fun memories of the class of 81 since I started reading this site. I had a couple classes with all seniors when I was a junior and was able to get to know alot of you. I was looking at old senior pictures this weekend and had alot of fun with that. I have a great picture of Mike Hauser! It has been great to hear from him again.
Well, I was a little more long winded then I meant to be. I better get back at it!
Take care and may your Holidays be filled with Thanks and Blessings!
Take care, Carron, and God Bless--
Kris (Campbell May)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Nice photo! Glad to hear that your father is in great spirits (even if the Hawks lost). I'm sure he will be out swinging the clubs in no time at all.
Rhonda's folks are here from Cedar Falls for the week. The girls have to go to school until Wednesday and I'm working until Wednesday as well. Things are pretty busy, but we are looking forward to having 4 days off in a row!
So what's new with you? I hope all is well. Take care and I will talk to you soon.
Mike (Hauser)
So nice of you to send me a special note. I've just been real busy, so I
haven't been keeping up with the e-mails.
Big change in my life. After working for St. Luke's full time for 15
years, I'm going to part time. Big decision, but one I hope I won't
regret. Unfortunately, I'm not wealthy enough to just get to go part
time, I'm actually going to work more at a Nursing home in Marion. I've
been doing that on a "as needed" basis for the last 6 months, to see if
I like it. Well, it all just kind of happened, and I hope that it will
allow me more flexibility in my schedule and hopefully even Friday's
off!!!! yippee!!!!!
I was going to comment on Tom's little video..... something like.....
"Didn't your Mama ever teach you not to flirt if you aren't going to
put out the goods?". I think we should all plan a winter Florida vacation
and go see Tom. That should teach him to taunt us. Flights to Florida
are cheap!!!!
I'm glad your Dad is doing much better. I was lame about responding to
all that, but again; time just wasn't on my side. I was sick all weekend, and am not quite over it yet. But I do want you to know, I added
all of you to my prayers. I really believe in that!
Unfortunately, I don't think I will see you guys on the weekend. The
smoke at the bar has a terrible effect on me, and I get bad headaches, as
if I've drank a ton. Last time; I had a rough day of it at work and my
throat hurt for about 4 days. I just can't do that scene very well;
although I had a blast seeing everyone. I'll just check out the blog
site, cuz I know you will have pictures.
Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Karla (Bonifazi)
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sorry it took so long to reply. Everything is going well. This has been a very busy week. Saturday is no exception. We have a regular work day and then meetings in the late afternoon.
I see that Mike Hauser is a LTC now. That is great. I am going to have to contact him as I see he is headed this way.
I trust your Dad is doing well. My Dad had quadruple bi-pass surgery a few years ago and my Mom is a breast cancer survivor. Both are doing great, but it is always very scary.
I will keep reading the blog. I get to it every other day or so. I love the old photos. I can usually determine who it is, but I do have to cheat sometimes.
Take care and keep writing.
CW3 Scott Weber
1034th CSSB
To Serve The Warrior
Friday, November 17, 2006

Can't you ban people who live in Florida from sending video clips? Living in the gloom of Wisconsin this time of year, I'm quite jealous.
As much as I would like to attend the get together on Saturday night, we are going to have to head home before then (my teenage daughter would be tramatized if she doesn't get a chance to see a friend who is home from college).
Next time?????
Marilyn (Russell) Halley

Hi Everyone.
With fall upon us, and the days getting shorter, I thought you would appreciate this superb, evocative, masterfully penned ode to the coming winter season. So, grab a coffee, a comfortable chair, relax and scroll down to enjoy the warm feelings and pleasure that this wonderful poem will bring....
SHIT! It's cold.
The End.
Thursday, November 16, 2006

I worked five nights in a row (Thursday-Monday) and then was in class Tuesday and today.....shit
I'm going to see Lance Friday-Tuesday...maybe I'll get a little stress relief....hint hint
Can't wait to drink with ya in December.
Deb (Wilcox)

I have been doing just fine. How are you holding up? You are in my thoughts and prayers.
You are going to kill me. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it for Thanksgiving. I am so bummed . If I am able to make it I will definitely call you. I will be calling you soon. I would love to talk.
My family is doing great. TJ is doing well at college, and this is Ashley's senior year, so we have been really busy already with pictures, invitations, etc.
I have been so busy at work, it seems like everyone needs to be seen this time of year. It seems like when the weather gets cold everybody has a tooth ache and they don't want a tooth ache with all of the holiday food coming up!
Tim is a contractor, it gets sort of slow this time of year. So he is looking into some repo houses to fix up and sell. I don't know about Iowa but the housing market in Michigan hasn't been that great this past year. It seems to be picking up a little though.
I should probably get to bed, I have to go back to work tomorrow. Two more days left this week I can't wait for the weekend. Talk to you soon.
Love you,
Lisa (Harms)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

(I did a Google search on Mike regarding this story. Here's what I found. Very, very cool.)
Sgt. Layne Marti, left, of Eldridge, Iowa, watches as Weber Stone President Mike Deutmeyer, right, guides one of two identical stone memorials into a CH-47 Chinook helicopter from Company F, 106th Aviation of the Iowa National Guard at the Weber Stone Company quarry in Stone City, Iowa, Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2004. The memorials are destined for the unit's facilities in Davenport and Peoria, Ill., in remembrance of the two wounded and three crew members killed when one of the unit's Chinooks was shot down near Fallujah, Iraq on Nov. 2, 2003. Deutmeyer declined to give an exact figure but estimated that his company donated around half the cost of the monuments. (AP Photo/The Gazette, Cliff Jette)
A couple years ago the Army Det 1 Company F 106th aviation lost a Chinook helicopter in Iraq. It was shot down. Some soldiers from Iowa and Illinois lost their lives. Some of the soldiers started a fund to do a memorial for the men who died.
Shad Meyers is from Anamosa. He has been in the Army for 16 years. He was the main man behind the memorial. He suggested that they look at Weber Stone Co. for the memorials. As they talked to me about the Chinook being shot down, I knew what our company had to do.
We designed and produced two very large memorials for the 106th. These memorials were 10 ft. x 5 ft. x 1 ft. - complete with the names of the soldiers who died and heliocopters and other scenes engraved into the stone. Two were made. One is located in Davenport, IA. The other is in Peoria, IL. The 106th did not have enough money for these. I would have donated the entire project, but the 106th refused stating that the money raised was for the memorials.
The only thing I wanted was them to pick the stones up with a Chinook helicopter. As we finished the project, one helicopter landed in the quarry and we loaded the memorials in the back of the Chinook. That was a first.
At the Veteren's Day assembly, on Nov. 10, 2006, Weber Stone Co. was presented a print drawn by an Army soldier. The print consisted of scenes from Iraq. It was dedicated to the 106th. There were only 106 of these prints made. Shad Meyers presented me #105. Of course, the 106th received #106. I am the only civilian to receive one of the prints. In my eyes, a true honor. Something money can never replace.
So that is the story.
My company did this to honor these fallen heros and all men and women who serve in the armed forces. Freedom comes at a price. These soldiers paid the ultimate price for that freedom. Keep the men and women of the armed forces in your prayers. Godspeed to bring them home safe.
Mike (Deutmeyer)
United States Air Force
9 Sept 1981 to 9 Oct 1987

I'm so happy that it wasn't cancer for your Dad. I hate that dreaded disease. I hope his surgery goes without a hitch & he's back at it in no time! It'll be hard to keep the good man down, but he has to be a good patient! I'll be thinking of you....
I'm sure you heard that Joel's niece Jayne (Jeff & Nancy's only child) died of cancer a year ago. She was Morgan's age. They have a website still & are honoring her memory on a constant basis, and whenever I read what Nancy writes, it just brings tears to my eyes. I can't imagine the pain that they have to live with. It does make you feel fortunate & just want to go hug your kids & never let go...
We've been good. BUSY! Jon just got done with marching band & golf, and got hired yesterday at Best Buy - need to keep him busy! Morgan just finished school volleyball, and just had her club volleyball tryout. Club goes from now until April. We love that! She's also working as a swim aid for little kids' lessons at the Marion Y, she's a little fish!
My sister & her hubby just moved in July from Southern Cal, where they've been living since we lived out there, to Washington state - a log cabin in the woods, on 8.5 acres. The four of us & our two dogs are renting a van & driving out there for Christmas! We can't wait! They have an Aussie, too, who is crazy like our little one. It'll be very fun.
Good to hear from you & great wishes for a speedy recovery for Pete! We may be able to make it on the 25th - I have it written down!
Love ya!
mj (Mary Jane)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hi Carron,
I just now have time to get caught up with the website.
My prayers are with you and your family. I was happy to hear that the doctor seems so positive. I hope you are doing well too. My mom just had breast cancer surgery a few weeks ago. She is doing fine, and only has to have radiation therapy. If there is anything I could do for you let me know.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks. Take care and God Bless.
Today I was in Anamosa for the 12th annual Veterans Day program at the High School.
They honor vets who have served the military and the years of service at the school.
Tim Hollett heads the program and the student council are involved in the presentation.
It is such a wonderful event. I wish more people would attend.
The thing is that I didn't even know they did this until we got a letter stating that my
Dad was going to be honored and that we would receive his certificate. Some other
Vets, and I'm sorry I won't remember all of them, were a Hartwig man, Dr. Poulter,
Mr. Hugh Shaw, Mr. Biere, Curt Duwe and my Dad. There were 10 I think.
It was soooo emotional.
There were other speakers and one who presented Mike Duetmeyer with a really
neat print. Mike apparently donated two huge stones to this company and for the
life of me I can't remember why these guys needed the stones--God it had
everyone in tears--so here I am tripping up on the huge sad story he's telling
and I know he's talking about how Mike so generously donated these stones
and I completely missed the meaning.
So Mike is called to the stage and he's accepting this really nice print and he
had a hard time fighting through the thank yous. Really cool! Really cool!
It was great and made you just feel so proud of our men and women fighting
for our freedom.
Jeez it gives me goose bumps just writing this to you. They also had military
people stand who were in the audience and we'd applaud on our feet. It definately
brings attention and a HUGE reminder that these are REAL people and the
war is so REAL and how brave they truly are. The band played and the choir sang.
My niece Jen presented the certificates (what a big girl--aw) and my nephew
Jared handed them to the honoree. I just wish Dad was here to accept his
own award. Jon, Jeff and I thought we would have our Uncle (Dads brother)
who also is a vet and also a retired P.E. teacher/coach from Waukon
accept the award. More tears!!! It was great!!!
As you can tell I'm just so proud and I thought it might be nice for you to
post this on our blog not only, but including, the presentation for Mike,
but for our classmates who are vets and our classmates still in active duty.
I know there are several from the class of 1981. Know that we are so
proud of you and give BIG thanks to ALL you do for we the people!!!
God bless you and your families. And God Bless America!!!!!!
Lots of love
Kathy Alderdyce ;-)
Friday, November 10, 2006
progress. Our prayers are with your entire family as you all get through
kick this thing in the ass and be back out on the golf course in no time.
Thursday, November 9, 2006
That calls for a big can of whoopass!
However, it was in the mid 80's and sunny here today in the DFW area! ~~ Brett A.
Yea, and little does the goofball know is that it was 74 here today.
OK, so we're supposed to get 4-7 inches of snow tomorrow, but we don't need to tell him that.
Let him live in his fantasy land. :-)

Thanks Carron.
I have moved within the company and am still attempting to get up to speed on my new responsibilities, so I haven’t had a great deal of sit-down free time to write anything of significance lately. I have also been very busy with Community Service related projects and issues, so my evenings have been very busy as well.
Someone once asked me “Do you ever just sit down and relax?” and I said yes, but not for very long.
It is unfortunate that all of this running around hasn’t trimmed my waist down much, but I probably would need to cut down on the production end a little to really make an impact and how much fun would that be.
We had a ribbon cutting ceremony the other day over at Cleveland Elementary for the walking trail that we converted from crushed lime to concrete, and I still can’t believe that we are finally done with it all. The project took us 2 summers to complete and hundreds of man hours of labor, which I headed up. The trail is approximately 1/3 of a mile long and 5 feet wide, and consists of approximately 94 yards of concrete. Needless to say, my summer exercise program was very physical and demanding, but was also a lot of fun working with all of the other volunteers. I have inserted an aerial view of the school property, and the red line indicates the present concrete version of the trail.
Tonight is the District dinner for Scouts and I will be receiving an honor at this event, which I am very proud of and my daughter Brooke will also be in attendance.
That is it for now as I have to take care of some business over the noon hour. So if anyone asks you if I ever sit down and relax you can say “yes, for a little while anyways”.
Take care,
John Starr