I met Darcie tonight down at the Chrome Horse, a biker bar in Cedar Rapids (Brett, you would love this place), for a couple beers. We were celebrating. Darcie has her last day at her old job tomorrow and starts a new one on Monday. I just got offered a new job and I start on December 3rd. Life is good.
Below are some pics of Carla, who we ran into at the Chrome, a photo of a bike on the wall, and a pic of one of my bestest friends ever, Darrell (with the glasses.)
OK, here's a quiz.... The guy in the dark blue shirt? Whose son is he? His dad is a member of the class of 1980. His mom is our classmate.
So, here's the funny story that goes along with the quiz... I'm sitting there with Darrell and Darcie and Carla, and the guy in the dark blue shirt comes up to me and tells me that his buddy thinks I'm hot. Bahaha!!! Oh, God, it's hilarious just to type that. I haven't been told I'm hot since..........well, never.
Anyway, I look at the guy in the dark blue shirt and I ask him, "Don't I know you?" We figure out who we are and chat a bit.
OK, so back to his buddy.... I say, "I know about how about old you are, so your buddy cannot be that much older." He tells me his pal is 30 years old with two kids, ages 3 and 5. I proceed to tell the guy in the dark blue shirt to tell his buddy that I graduated with his (the guy in the dark blue shirt) mother. Needless to say, they all leave and that's the end of my being hot.
Oh, hell, what a riot.