Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas, Carron!
As I sit in my office trying to figure out how to explain to all of you what I do during the day, I thought it would be much easier to show you in a video clip to help you see what I'm doing.
Yesterday while out on Battlefield Circulation with LTG Abud, we went to three different suburbs/districts within Baghdad (or in Arabic it's:Belidayat) to meet with the local elders, local police, national police, and Iraqi Army personnel serving in these districts. Baghdad has between 9-10 million people living in the 'city limits' and is divided up into approximately 12-15 different districts (depending on who is counting and how they are counting). Everywhere we go, the Iraqi Soldiers treat LTG Abud like a god (he is in the middle in the red beret); they honestly worship him and swear their allegiance to a unified Iraq!
As you can see in the video clip, they have an almost 'tribal' like chant/dance that they do to honor him when he is in their district. If you can imagine trying to provide close-in protection for him when we get into these Belidayat's its almost impossible; people run out of houses & buildings just to try and touch his hand. So basically, when he is out, I spend my days trying to chase him down these crowed streets (with my security detachment); while I'm not exactly trained for this type of work, having been a Soldier for 26 years makes it pretty easy to adapt and sharpen old skills!
The good news is that when he isn't out on the streets, I'm sitting in the Palace working at a computer (something that I don't need practice at!).
Additionally, I attached a photo of the 'city hall' in Al Fruat so that you would get an idea of how crude some of their government buildings are! As you may be able to tell from the photos, we (the US Advisors) try to stay in the back (except for our Generals) and make everything look as if the Iraqi's are leading, and in charge.
Take care, and don't worry about me; I'm honestly having the 'Military time of my Life' even though I wake up extremely sore and tired each morning (old age setting in); I do wake up and I feel so lucky to love my profession and have an awesome Family that supports me continuing mycareer!
The final picture is me having Christmas Dinner!!! (3 lobstertails, Cornish hen, mac & cheese, corn on the cob, shrimp cocktail, & fake wine!!!!!)......looks like I will be going to the gym later tonight!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Dear Carron -
Did you survive the snow and ice? I haven't heard from you so I was afraid that you might still be snowed under! How's it going?
I'm finally learning my way around here and I have to say, it's a very unique place to live! Working in such close proximity to theIraqi Operations Command here in Baghdad really gives one a different perspective on the War (my thoughts have greatly changed since arriving). The organization that I work in is very interesting and provides the opportunity to get out the office and the International Zone (IZ) as we move throughout the city to attend meetings, inspect check-points, and see Soldiers with the Iraqi Three Star General (LTG Abud) that we advise. I'm quite impressed by LTG Abud since there have been numerous attempts on his life in the past six months, and he still gets out on the roads.
I've attached a photo from the mission that I went on Wednesday; behind me in the photo is one of seven or eight Palaces (Al Faw Palace) that Saddam had in and around Baghdad. The US and the collation forces have occupied most of the Palaces and use them for Headquarters.
Being out on the roads is probably the most hectic/dangerous part of what I do; however, in a way it sure makes me feel young again. I really prefer to fly; however, LTG Abud doesn't care for flying, so we are moving around in small convoys.
I finally found a way to get on the Blog Site (hoorah) and just saw that we lost two great Americans back at home. It's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one or friend, and I wish to express my sincerest condolences to Dave Cox, Todd Schoon, their families, and friends. Although Kathy & Brad passed too early in life, the obituaries certainly described two Americans that worked hard, loved their families, and lived life to its fullest. From what I read, it is apparent they made an impact on everyone around them, and I'm confident that their spirit will continue to live in all they touched.
Take care, stay in touch, and please hold all of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines in your thoughts and prayers as we roll through the Holiday Season. Although I've only been in country for three weeks, the feeling by all the Service Members over here is that the Country is behind us and supports what we are doing.
In closing, I would like to wish then entire of the Class of 1981 and their Families, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please let me know if anyone needs anything from this part of the World and I will get it headed back that way! My unclassified (NIPR) email address, and my US Cell Phone (MCI) number is located in my signature block below, stay in touch and just remember that I'm 9 hours a head of you in Iowa!!
Michael T. HauserLTC,
GS Deputy Chief,
BOCAT4th Infantry Division,
"Steadfast & Loyal"
DSN: 318-239-7725
SVOIP: 243-2448
MCI Cell: (914) 360-2944
NIPR: mike.hauser@iraq.centcom.mil
SIPR: mike.hauser@s-iraq.centcom.smil.mil
CENTRIX: mike.hauser@centcom.mcfi.cmil.mil
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Hey Carron,
You probably don’t remember me (I was a classmate of Brad’s), but wanted to let you know that I check out the Class of 81 website periodically & absolutely love it! What a great way to keep up on what everyone is doing!!
Please tell Brad hi for me when you see him & tell him Teresa “Vernon”, Kathy Koppenhaver & I are looking forward to the next golf challenge at our 30th class reunion! Ask him if he has been taking lessons!?!??!
Happy Holidays!!!!
Rhonda Geltz Koppenhaver
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Carron - How's it going?
Things here are going great! I arrived in Baghdad, and reached the US Embassy. My job is extremely interesting and has the potential to be very 'high adventure' in the rebuilding of Iraq.
I work outside of the 'International Zone' (IZ) or you may hear 'green zone' on CNN, at the Iraq HQ's (Adnon Palace) that houses the Baghdad Operations Command (BOC). I'm the Deputy (2nd in charge) of the Advisory Team that is embedded with the Iraqi's.
I live in a 15x30 foot trailer that is located within the IZ directly behind the US Embassy. You probably won't believe this; however, I was issued a Dodge Durango (total piece of shit) to get around the IZ and a US Cell Phone When I go outside of the IZ (safe area), I have to use my Personal Security Detachment which consists of 12 Soldiers, 4 heavily armored HUMVEE's, and a ton of weapons.
I've participated in two joint Iraqi/US patrols and plan to accompany LTG Abud (3 Star) tonight to some meeting with all of his subordinate commanders......should be a lot of fun!
Although I've only spent five nights in my quarters, we have taken indirect (mortars) fire on two of the five nights....thank God none of them hit too close; however, they definitely rock the place and you know that they are there!
Looking forward to staying in touch and will send you an update for the Blog with a few photos in the next couple of days. I'm just about acclimated and finally sleeping through the night.
Take care and I hope you have a great Holiday season!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Hey, Carron and everyone – I thought that I would keep you posted on the deployment progress. I’ve made it to Kuwait and I’m currently at Camp Beuhring (approximately 25 miles from the Iraq border). It is pretty desolate here, just tents, a few portable buildings, a small PX, gym, mess hall, and a lot of training ranges! I will move forward to Baghdad sometime late tomorrow night. The trip here was interesting; we flew to NYC, then to Shannon, Ireland, then to Leipzig, Germany (formally East Germany), then down to Kuwait. All in all, it took exactly 24 hours to get from Colorado Springs to Kuwait. I arrived at 0400 on Monday morning and have fought sleeping. It’s just past midnight, so I’m officially on Tuesday. I will take a few photos tomorrow while I’m walking around and send the next time I can get service. At the moment, I’m pretty much on foot and probably walked 10 miles today to find my way around. I was finally issued my pistol and ammo, so I definitely feel more secure.
Still no mailing address, I hope to have that in the next few days. Comm’s are extremely limited and I’m 10 hours a head of Colorado Springs.
Take care,