Thursday, August 20, 2009


Another classmate to keep in our prayers..... Get well soon, Brett!

Was leaving united clubs meeting sunday around 5pm to head home. I was in right lane and a mini van full of asians flew over 3 lanes from my left, cut me off and I t-boned them. They say I went over front of bike and in to window side, breaking all windows and covererd their kids with glass. I dont remember anything, including leaving the meeting. I woke up in hospital around 10pm just in time to get stitches in front and back of my head. I had several visitors but dont remember any of them except my wife who came back from Houston and my little brother who came up from Austin.

Injuries: dislocated left shoulder, broken ribs on right side, cuts front and back of head, major bruise & swelling right hip, bruised knees, stiff neck. Otherwise just sore and stiff all over. I was quite lucky! No other broken bones or casts or anything!

I've had several calls and text messages and visitors at the house. I have to go back in tomorrow for follow up on head and shoulder but will be just fine. Billy (harley tech) says my bike is jacked up and might be totalled. Thats fine, I'm just glad I'm not in the hospital with more serious injuries! My brother is gonna take me over there this afternoon so I can check out the bike.