Anamosa Music Boosters
209 Sadie Street
Anamosa, IA 52205
Proudly serving Anamosa’s student musicians
February 20, 2007
Dear Anamosa Music Alum:
I’m certain you can fondly recall your days in the Anamosa music department; I know I can! It seems like not long ago, Mr. Marshall was leading us through a song, Mr. Stanaway was giving us a lesson, or Mr. Warner was preparing us for the next concert. In those days, our program relied for the most part on the school to provide a budget for the program and the students to cover the rest of the expenses. Luckily, Anamosa now has a strong Music Booster organization to help defray many costs for our students.
The Boosters strive not only to promote our high-quality music program but also to financially support the choir and band programs. Because the program receives most of its financial support from the Music Boosters, we work year-round to keep pace. We recently created the Music Wall of Honor in the music hallway of the high school. I’m sure you remember the music hallway. The Wall of Honor is located on the left side of the hall on the wall between the double doors to the lunch room and the entrance to the choir room. It is a beautiful tribute to those who have contributed to our music program. Each donor has an engraved music note attached to our donor board, a large piece of sheet music.
Today, we begin our newest support project: Anamosa Alumni Assists. Our goal is for ten Anamosa alums to help us each year by purchasing new music for our spring concert. One new piece of music for band or choir averages $100. Each year at our final concert in May, our hope is to have ten new pieces performed by our band and two choirs, each donated by caring music alums. If you choose to donate $100 to pay for one of these pieces, you will be honored at that concert; you will also have permanent recognition on the Wall of Honor. Your note will go on the Bronze board for our $100 – $199 level donors.
Please consider helping our efforts by purchasing a piece of music for our current students. We need to wrap our efforts by March 20 so that the directors are able to order the new music and have it performance-ready by the spring concert on May 9. This concert is one of our most well attended because it is also senior recognition and awards night. If you would like to help, please fill out the enclosed form and mail it to us. We will let you know the name of your dedicated piece and also invite you to the May concert.
Thanks for your consideration of our project. Our students are talented, hard-working musicians who appreciate your support!
Best regards,
Lisa Heitland Williams
Anamosa Music Boosters President
Kris Campbell May
Executive Board
I would like to support Anamosa Alumni Assists by donating a new piece of music to the high school music program. Enclosed is my $100, and I have checked my preference below:
___ choir music ___band music ___area of greatest need
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________
Please recognize my donation in this way:
In honor of ___________________________________________
In memory of _________________________________________
By using my name listed above ______ (check)
Anonymously _____(check)
Thank you for your support and concern for the Anamosa Music Program! Please make checks to the Anamosa Music Boosters.