Tuesday, May 1, 2007


OK, so Tony and I are on our way home from my son's track meet at Linn-Mar. We are touring through Marion, sightseeing where Tony used to live, etc. As we're driving down the street, I see someone I think I recognize. "STOP! I think that was Gary Rains."

Tony slams on the brakes, puts it in reverse, and sure as shit... there's Gary. Of course, I always have my camera with me, so I made them pose for a photo. (Sorry it is blurry. I still had it on the motion setting from the track meet.)

Gary made his feelings clear by letting me know he never got an invitation to the class reunion and that he lives in the same house he lived in five years ago. Oops. I told him I was in charge of A-L and Deutmeyer was in charge of M-Z. :-/ Then, he proceeds to tell me that he hunts every year with Ivan Bowers and Coons and that he works with Scott Petersen. Those three got invitations and RSVP'd, but never told Gary about it. Ha. He's starting to take it personally....

Gary's e-mail address is rainsinmarion@aol.com. Shoot him a message and welcome him aboard! GREAT to see you, Gary!!!


  1. Geez Tony,
    It's called "Sun Screen".... perhaps you've read about it in all the papers.


    Yea, Tony, it's called sunscreen. Look it up.

    Sound familiar?

  3. Oh, that's just wrong, Carron!!!!!

    Carron burns the hell out of herself for like 10 hours and has a dark tan two days later - no sunscreen whatsoever. I PUT SUNSCREEN ON to play 18 holes of golf and then watch her son in a track meet and get burnt bright red - and it stays that way for DAYS!!!!

    Of course, I'm not the one peelng like crazy, though!! Carron is the one shedding skin like a python!!
