The Monticello Girls Basketball Team played in Des Moines last Thursday. My son Nick and his buddies decided to cheer the girls on in style (hee,hee,hee).They gave each other a mohawk haircut, and wore pink-and-white tee-shirts. The girls played really well! The guys have since shaved their mohawk haircuts into buzz cuts.
Nick's had a goal/"dream" to buy a really nice motorcycle . He has been working 2 jobs (last summer and after school) to earn the money.Well, that is just what he did last weekend. Nick is very proud of being "owner" of a car AND a motorcycle.
Mom here, is very proud of Nick's work ethics, money management, ability to set high goals ~ and attain them! He is growing up; he's a good ol' kiddo; and I already know that I am going to miss him next year after he graduates!
Have a great day!!!!
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