Monday, November 24, 2008


Was the professor a little hottie or what?? How did he ever make those radio batteries last all those years on that island??
Now........... without Googling the bastard or cheating...... does anyone know the Professor's name on the show and in real life???

I will be really impressed if someone guesses this one.

Then again, I didn't think anyone would get Peter Frampton either. But, Lisa (Harms) got it in no time - signed, sealed, delivered!

(Sorry, but I'm married to a mailman - it's our song.)


  1. I know!! But I'm not in your class, so I don't know if I should post the answer!!!!
    Lisa W (not H or T this time!)

  2. I'll give you all a hint: think smart.

    Another hint tomorrow if no one gets it!

  3. I can see the resemblance, but not the right answer!! Try again.

  4. OK, I cannot stand it. I must give another hint.

    Think of another name for a teacher in college....

    That's way too easy of a hint...

  5. Way too easy. Obviously, it's James Dean, but he looks way better than I expected!!! (for a dead guy...)

    Or could it be the guy who played the Professor on Gilligan's Island?
