Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Things for the most part are going well except for this miserable cold I have caught.I have gone through this entire deployment without so much as a sniffle until now. This stinks.

Last week was rough. I am sure you heard about the plane crash north of Baghdad. That was about a mile outside our east gate. It was about three miles from where I was at and I never heard a thing. I think there were 32 killed in all, mostly contractors from Turkey.

The neighbors spent about an hour celebrating a funeral with small arms fire last week as well. They closed the road outside our building just in case a bullet strayed. No one was hurt. I am sure that's how the poor fellow was killed in the first place.

We are actually quite removed from the war. If it wasn't for the aircraft taking off at all hours and the occasional gunfire, you wouldn't even know we were in Iraq. I don't leave the base so it is kind of like being at a large prison camp. There is wire and guard towers. I guess that is a good thing. I am too old for the infantry killer stuff and working supply seems to suit me for now.

Other than that, pretty quiet. We are staying very busy and the days go by fast, but the weeks seem to crawl. It seems like I have been gone forever.

I love the picture that Carol sent back with a friend. It was taken in the winter of 1984 or early 1985. It is just the hair was a bit out of control. At least the earring was not showing. I caught a lot of flack from the gang here. That picture was taken before some of the young ones here were even born.

I never formally thanked everyone for all that you have done. I wish I could write everyone individually, and I hope to someday, but for now I just want to say thanks again to all for your generosity.

Take care and stay warm. Keep us all up to date with the latest with you and Tony. Wow, the things you can pick up on a blog!

CW3 Scott Weber
1034th CSSB
To Serve The Warrior

1 comment:

  1. Scott-
    Great to hear from you. I think of you very often and of your family as well. I can only imagine how all of this has changed your lives.

    I thank you and all the troops for all you have done for America. This country couldn't be what it is without the dedication and amazing courage shown by all of our military.

    As each day goes by and we continue to live our lives here in the US, we need to remember all of our brothers and sisters all over the globe who are protecting our freedom.

    Thank you----thank you!

    Kris Campbell May
