Yeah, I'm still alive and kicking. I now have one year under my belt as a Social Studies Teacher and I love it. It was always a passion of mine ( history, government, cultures, etc. etc.) and now I get to teach it. I'm spending my summer doing odd jobs for my wife's business (Interior Design) like painting, wallpapering, simple carpentry, and the like, but I'm looking for other part time work just to stay busy. The old house we live in (130 years old) always has a project to work on so I'm never out of work, it's just that I don't get paid to do it.
My oldest son is home from Temple University for the summer and he and my youngest
both work at a discount grocery store trying to save money for cars.
I'll becoming out that way in July and I'm going to try to swing by Anamosa if I can. Two other families and us are going to Branson, MO for ten days. It wasn't my first pick for a vacation spot but one of the families has a time share we're using so we couldn't beat the price. I'll contact you if we're able to get there.
I promise I'll send some photos as soon as I get some decent ones to send. I'm sure you're interested to see how I've changed. I know sometimes it has been hard for me to recognize some school mates at first when you've posted their photos.
Tell all you see I said hello. Til next time, take care.