So, I really didn't do "nothing" while on vacation. Tony and I worked hard getting his house ready to sell and then we came back to my house and tried to make room for all his stuff. That entailed cleaning out my attic. Y'all won't BELIEVE what I found up there....in random order.
*pictures of Mike Coons' wedding (I was the cake cutter.)
*a pair of jeans from the last day of junior high signed by everyone (can't fit my big toe in them sons a bitches now)
*all my France pictures and my diary from our trip (apparently too much beer in the vending machines, because some stories in the diary are sketchy...)
*my high school memory book with detailed descriptions of senior prom (dinner and dance at the Roosevelt, back to Jack Simmons' to party, hunger pangs at 2:30 a.m., to Country Kitchen at 3:00 a.m. and home by 5:00 a.m.), the last day of school (party at Reynold's) and graduation night (party at Weber's)
*my senior year schedule (why do I NOT remember taking "Mass Media"?)
*my sophomore-year bowling plaque when I made the "All-State Tournament Team"
*all my report cards (I got all A's in 7th grade Geography - Bahahahahaha!!)
*a box full of my graduation cards with notations of each gift received (Hatcher's mom and dad gave me a make-up bag that I still use to this day - see photo)
*my ID bracelet from Diane given to me for my confirmation ("Carron" on the front and "11-30-1977" on the back)
*pictures of all the slumber parties with Chris C., Erin, Brenda, Diane, Mary Jane (it sure looks like we all got off the floor)
*the picture of a shirtless Hatcher sleeping in a lawn chair, mouth wide open, somewhere along the trail of the Bungum family vacation, circa July 1982.
After about four hours of reminiscing, 120-degree heat, and two 40-lb. garbage bags later (and lots of questions and eye-rolling from Tony), we finally got the attic cleaned out.
ReplyDeleteI think you should post some pictures of your attic treasures!!