I'm fine, but feel free to make up stories about me, probably more interesting than my actual life!
I always think on my way to Iowa . . . I'll just give Carron a call, but I always seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere!
My nephew graduated from Traynor High School ( by Council Bluffs) and I picked up my folks on my way by. We had a nice time chatting on the way (and my husband had to handle ALL the kid organizing, although that is easier now we have another driver. It used to make me mad, I'd go out of town and all the neighbors would take pity on him).
We are going out to Council Bluffs to celebrate my mom and dad's 55th anniversary around the 4th of July, when is a mystery. Megan and Alayna march with the band at the
Knowles parade (not a Big parade, the town only has 10 houses, 1 church, 1
bar, and 1 bank, and there had better not be a fire because most of the
parade would leave) and Ellyn is on the 4-H float. Then Megan has a summer
job, so we have to figure out when she can be gone. Fortunately, my part-time job is very flexible (but has a good title, Deputy Clerk) so we don't have to work to much around it. I'm sure you know how it is with teenagers. Did you have one graduate this year? I've lost track.
I'll try and keep in touch better
Marilyn Halley (Russell)
P.S. I like the blog site
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