Ask and ye shall receive. Attached is a recent photo of my family. The kids are Mac, Finn, Georgia, and Piper. As you can see, Kelly and I got kind of a late start on having kids. But we really dove in once we started! I'm entirely too old for all of the chaos -- as evidenced by my receding hairline -- but am having fun anyway. It's good to hear about everyone. Sorry I missed the reunion.

Curt and Kelly ~
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your kids' names.
When Dean and I named our kids Wesley and Ellyn, we heard all kind of comments on how they were such "old people" names.
Well, they are now the only Wesley and Ellyn at College Community Schools (Prairie).
Thanks. All of these dang Southerners down here pick unusual names. Our triplets all have family names. Georgia is named after Kelly's grandmother, who is 94 and going strong. Finn is really James Finn, named after my Dad, and Mac is John McCoy, named after Kelly's father and grandfather. We had no idea what the hell to name our surprise No. 4. Kelly's mother came up with Piper -- from the actress Piper Laurie. I liked it at first; now I'm not so sure.
ReplyDeleteWesley and Ellyn are great names. Uniqueness is a good thing.
Piper is a beautiful name!! Be glad you went with it. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment. They really are Wesley and Ellyn. I cannot imagine my kids being a Joshua or Brandon or Ashley or Brittney. I love those names, but our kids are Wes and Ellyn. It fits them.
Would love you see you and meet your lovely family. When might you make it home this way again?