(Here are some pics and an e-mail from Sharon Covington. Have you ever seen cuter kids? Oh, my gosh. How adorable.)
Hey, Carron,
Thanks for the greetings!!! Yes, I am busier than hell! Good grief...this is hard work!! Okay, here are the details: born July 25th at 11:09 am, weight 6 lb., 12 oz., length 19", name Charlie James Kerns. He is doing good. He is just starting to sleep through the night, so hopefully it is a trend that will continue. Rachel is being a good big sister, considering she is 3! :0)
Besides my own son and daughter (I have to say that in case they or their father read this...), you have THE two cutest kids I have ever seen. Seriously. Just darling, darling, darling.