Hi Carron:
I am attaching the photo to this e-mail. I have visited the Blog and love it. I need to read the directions on how to add comments, etc. I will get around to that. I am going to take photos of the area and what we do here. I will get those added also. The photos you have posted are great. Enjoy the Pumpkin fest. It sounds like a lot of fun. We are looking forward to Ramadan here (not). I continue to receive e-mails from long lost pals. The photos of the car stimulated a number of folks to write. I really appreciate you passing those around.
CW3 Scott Weber
1034th CSSB
To Serve The Warrior
God bless you, Scott. No matter how we each, individually, feel about what is going on with our country and or about our president, we all appreciate what you are doing over there.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Carol.....how are you hanging in there? Better than the towel rack, I hope.