I had a great time. Wished a few folks in town would have come in, but the Iowa tailgaters. I never see Kegs anymore. We were next door neighbors so we go way back to age 2.
I will be seeing Kathy tonight since I get my red back to red. I have had it that color since 1986 - can't believe.
Have been traveling for work just got back from Atlanta. Now with this new contact you have well organized I can try to look up some classmates when I travel for work. Looking forward to more of these get together. Christmas should pull a few people in.
See you later.
Michelle A. Nelson (Phillips)
Credit Analyst
Dexter Financial Services, Inc.
5001 J Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Ph (800) 926-8230
Fax (319) 364-6502
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