Thanks for asking how I am doing. I am alive and well.
We are fortunate to be where we are located and we have also avoided much of the violence. There were a number of civilian deaths the last couple of weeks in the town adjacent to our base. It was broadcast on CNN and FOX.
My job involves solving logistics problems. We find the owners of MIS-shipped items, make sure the warehouses are running smoothly, track down parts for vehicles to keep them in operation. Essentially, anything the combat soldier needs, we make sure they get it. That is why our motto is To Serve The Warrior. It is not a very glamorous job, but it needs to be done.
The rainy season is underway. It actually rained all day and just about an hour ago there was a rainbow. We are fortunate to be close to the Tigris River so the area is green with farms surrounding the base. The locals move their livestock upand down the canal.
The kids can be found at the base of the guard towers begging for candy or whatever they can scrounge. My heart goes out to the children. I wonder what kind of a future they really have. I thought the same in Afghanistan. Most of the kids wave and smile when we drive by.
Just let everyone know that I enjoy viewing the photos on the blog and of course receiving e-mails. I heard from Milt Luckstead just yesterday.
Take care and thanks for the concern.
CW3 Scott Weber
1034th CSSB
To Serve The Warrior
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