Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I have it written down on my calendar; but, also written down is a middle school dance 7:30 - 10:00. I don't know what Kristin's plans are yet for the dance. If it works out with my kids' schedule of activities then YES WOMAN!! I'll BE THERE!! But, at this moment I cannot say for sure.

Nick's knee was still way too sore to be manipulated much by the orthopedic dr.; so, we are scheduled to go back again next week. He is in a knee immobilizer and on crutches. Which, is working for the time being. He's doing well with it all. He has really good buddies to help him around at school. He needs my help to get his sock and shoe on, which in one sense is nice to be needed.

There is always something good that comes out of something bad if one is willing to look for it. I tend to favor looking for the "good" in all situations. It's a much brighter outlook in life to find and focus on the positives!

I phoned and left a message for Jeff Wilharm regarding the , he was interested in passing it onto his brother Clark Wilharm. Do you remember him? He was in our class. Clark used to go out with DeDe Cook at one time.

Well, I am exhausted! gonna go catch some ZZzzzzzzzzzzs :)

Have a good one!


1 comment:

  1. Don't kids always have a way of making their parents feel like crap? You are a wonderful mom, Brenda. Your kids are proof of that!

    Yes, I remember Clark and I know Jeff very well. His sons are on my son's baseball teams at Prairie. Jeff and my folks talked "old times" at a couple of Wesley's games this past summer.
