Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Hi, Carron!
Thanks for posting the pictures, I was looking at them yesterday at work, this is such a fun distraction! (I did show my coworkers my kindergarten picture and they were able to pick me out, must have been the fancy hairdo!) You're looking good all trim and tan! Your kids are so cute, how is it having teenagers? (I think your son is totally not interested in your need for pictures!) It looks like many people have young families which is really great. We are getting updated photos so I'll send them when available. Thanks again for your efforts on the website.

1 comment:

  1. Jean ~

    I put a reunion book in the mail for you today. It just kind of tells what everyone is up to these days. Good thing your whereabouts are no longer unknown!! I mailed it from work, so if you get a big envelope from Kirkwood, don't think it is a catalogue and throw it away!!!

