Jean ~
Oh, my gosh!! Is that you in the middle???? I would never have guessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look fabulous!!!
I went into the blogsite and changed your web address. Sorry for the mistake!!! I will forward on your e-mail and your e-mail address for all the classmates to have! I have also added you to my database, so you will get all the forwards from classmates!! I am just having a ball with this! I was so excited when Lisa called me last week and filled me in on you. :-) Please stay in touch!! It is so good to hear from you!
Thank you so much for saying that, you made my day!
This is fun getting to see pictures of everyone. You need to post a picture of you and your kids. I'll be looking forward to new postings and emails.
Thanks, Carron!
Jean ~ Lisa Heitland wants me to tell you "hi"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!