Hey, everyone!
OK, I am being lazy tonight. I have posted all of the new pictures and e-mails on
the website. All you have to do is click on the link and you can see them all!! If you are signed in to your e-mail, you are signed in to the internet, which
means all you have to do is click on the link!!!
Just a couple bits of info......
*Jim Ahrendsen called me Saturday night. He is alive and well! I was worried there
for a minute.
*I have made the website available to everyone with NO registration or log in necessary.
If you notice, a lot of people have made comments, so if there is any way I can get out of doing both the e-mail updates and the website, Carron would be a happy
*I am thinking we have quite a few people coming Friday night. Unless a bunch of people bail on us, the last count I had was 10-15 classmates, most of whom could
not make it to the reunion!!! I am so amped!! I will take lots of pictures and post
them on Saturday!!
That's it for today. It was a busy day. Lots and lots and lots of e-mails. Keep
them coming!!!!
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