Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Thanks for the classmate updates. It looks to me like everyone has really taken a liking to this thing and has gotten long lost friends back together or at least talking again. I have several friends from my Army days that I would love to see again, but fear that this may never occur. What a shame it is to loose friendships because of geographical reasons. The Internet has certainly helped, so I haven’t given up completely on seeing them again and your efforts have actually given me more hope as of late, so again keep up the good work.

John Starr


  1. John, hope you are well! I have managed to reconnect with 3 of my old A.F. buddies thanks to the internet. I'm going to try to find more.

    Take care,

  2. it's looking increasingly like orange golf balls in the snow at this rate!! need to get back there and say 'hi' again soon....hope things are going well with you. take care, John
