Monday, October 9, 2006

Hey Carron:
Thanks for the information on the Blog Site, Now one more question?
How do you write a comment? I read your directions, to "click" on the
comment button; however it requests a "user name and password".
Since you set us up for this site, I didn't know what to put in those boxes.
I'm a "D" student when it comes to all this computer stuff; so if you
could explain it in "dummy" terms I'd be forever grateful. It would be
nice for you not to have to post every ones comments that come your way.
Thanks a ton, and thanks for all you do to keep us all updated!!!
Karla (B) Simmen
You shouldn't need a user name and password. If you want to register, you can. If you do, your name will show up. But, you can leave a comment as "anonymous" and then just sign your name, so we all know who it's from (like "bz" does.) If you click on the word "comments", a little pop-up box will appear. You can also click on the date and time I posted the message/picture. If you do that, the whole posting will appear on the screen. You can leave a comment that way, too. When you have posted your comment, click "home" and it will take you back to the first page of the blog. Sometimes I find I have to "refresh" the page in order for the comment to appear. You can do this by clicking on the "refresh" button on your toolbar or you can hit "F5" on your keyboard.
Hope this helps and it was sooooooooooooooo good to see you Friday night.
Thanks for your kind words!!


  1. Hey Everyone:
    It was great to see all of you. I had a great time Friday night. Good enough to get Carron home safe and then myself. I haven't seen some of you for such a long time, it was really great. I am all for getting together again soon so let's get something in the mix!!!!!!


  2. Bless you, Darcie, for getting my happy ass home!

    Love you, girlie ~
