Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who was your favorite teacher in Junior High?
Who was your favorite teacher in High School?


  1. Junior High: Mr. Bungum (OK, so I am a little prejudiced) Mrs. Hey would be a darn close second place.

    High School: Jan Meyer - English. Loved her!!

  2. Jr High: Mr. Keeney. That guy cracked me up! Reminded me of Tim Conway, and I grew up on the Carol Burnette Show!!

    High School: Mr. Fearing. Just an incredible guy, and I loved math!

    Mary Jane Brady Rushford

  3. MJ ~ That's perhaps why you are an accountant today. I probably should have cheated off you and Eric Collins. I might have gotten a better grade!!!! My kids definitely get their math brains from their dad!!!

    Good to hear from you. :-)

  4. Jr. High: I can't say that anyone stands out as a favorite, but I remember taking a bus to the high school for 9th grade Algebra and I can honestly say that I couldn't understand a word that came out of Mrs. Clemens's mouth!! Ken Fearing had a heck of a time getting me back on track!!!

    Sr. High: Mrs. Kula, without a doubt. I always loved art, but she was so awesome!

  5. Junior High: What was the name of the guy who taught geography in seventh grade? The one who was married to a woman from Hawaii, taught us how to meditate and shot a mean hook shot from half court? He was one quirky dude, but I liked him. He only lasted a year or two.

    High School: Ms. Cratsenberg, Ms. Kerton and Mr. Fearing. (I absolutely HATED all math subjects, but still thought that Mr. Fearing was a great teacher.)

  6. Yep, Carron. That was the guy. A true hippie. I'll never forget a class full of seventh graders sitting with their eyes closed going, "OHMMMM, OHMMMMM, OHMMMMM." I suspect that the school board didn't think much of that, but I thought it was pretty cool.

    Carron, didn't your Dad teach geography, too? I think I got assigned to Mr. Radl's class instead of your Dad's class.

  7. Yup, Dad taught 7th grade Geography, too. I remember my brother, Brad, had Mr. Radl for an 8th grade Media class or something like that. Brad wrote a paper that my parents would not even let him turn in, but to prove a point, Brad did it anyway. He got an A+. It was so pathetic with misspelled words, no paragraphs, running sentences, no topic, bad grammar. I am thinking Mr. Radl was a little too eccentric for Anamosa Junior High in those days - perhaps even now!!
