Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Weather is awesome!
It's starting to shape up that I will have to deploy to Iraq next Aug./Sept. for a year. That will really be a bummer since our oldest will be a senior. While I know they understand that my job sometimes takes me away for long periods of time, this one will really hurt.
However, thank God for the internet, VOIP, and chat line capabilities so that I can stay in touch.
Not much else on this end....I've got to take the kids to school and then head into the office.
Take care and stay in touch....great hearing from you!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

When you were in high school and you thought about what you "wanted to be when you grew up...?"
Are you doing what you wanted to do? Have you become what you wanted to be?

Here is a picture of Brenda Thomas (left) and Sarah Osterkamp (right) last March at Disneyworld. I saw Brenda last night in Anamosa. Her hair color and style are different and she looks even more beautiful than she does in this picture! We had the nicest talk and found out that we have a good friend in common from here in Ely. It is such a small world! (Sarah, if you see this, PLEASE get in touch.)

Maribeth Terrell giving her mom, Lois, a gift at her retirement party.

Can you tell they're mother and daughter?

Dean's and my daughter, Ellyn, got confirmed
today. Here are some happy family photos.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hey, everyone!
I changed the layout of the blogsite, as you can see.
I thought this template looked a little more sophisticated and we ARE a group of sophisticated bastards, you know!
Hope you enjoy it. I am still in the process of updating a few things, so please bear with me.
I'm off to Anamosa. Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Connie Engelbart and her hubby, Gary Grassi.
Here is a picture from Lisa Heitland and Randy Williams of their beautiful children: Tyler and Bryce Engelbart & Kelsey and Morgan Williams.
E-mail address for Barb Winders:
Hey Carron,

I finally did get caught up just this morning. School keeps coming - quizzes and tests to grade - they just don't stop. I've got a slower than usual weekend with only two quizzes to grade but I do have lesson plans to write for a new text book (geometry) that we are using this year. I have to stay a couple of weeks ahead for that to coordinate test and quiz plans with the other geometry teacher.

The boys are playing video games so I came in here to read emails. I also checked the blog site and enjoyed some of that. This computer is for ever slow - but the dial-up is free through my UWF connection - can't beat the price.

We finally got some new picts of the boys - I just need to get them scanned. Other than staying busy at school, all is going well here - only 6 weeks until the new kid is due. We still have not decided on a name - we are bad about agreeing on names - two of the boys didn't get their names until 24 hours after they were born. I guess we are too picky - I think we did OK though: Neil Clayton, Ty Landon, and Cole Steadman. The neat thing is that they meanings are similar:"champion/from the farm" (or "clay pit" depending on the namebook you look at), "sovereign/from the open grassy meadow", and "triumphant one/who grows up on a farm". The names are also not abbreviateble (something Tammy wanted).

Well, we've set a hard pattern to follow. I hear from my parents that it has snowed up there already. We are enjoying mid-to upper 60's temps in the AM and 70's to 80's mid-day. We have had a couple of mornings in the 50's, but that is pretty rare here this time of year. We do get temps in the 30's and 40's in January - occassionally we get snow, but that is very rare.

Brian Z. and I have had a couple of emails, but have not gotten together (my fault with school keeping me on the run). My father-in-law tells me that if you keep the mule pulling the plow too much sooner or later he just quits and goes to the barn - he always has some funny way of making his point - he is really a great guy other than the fact that he is married to my mother-in-law - that story is the usual mother-in-law thing.

We usually don't have breakfast on Sat. - everyone sleeps in then we eat a late brunch (actually my sleep-in time today was 6:30am.) Anyway, the boys are saying they are hungry and want me to fix something (mommy let's that be my job on Sat.) so I need to go feed three little tummy's. How does bacon, eggs, and pancakes sound - Ty (5) says he doesn't want pancakes - he wants eggs, grits, gravy and ommlettes (?sp).

Thanks for all of your work in coordinating communication and the web site.

Eric (Collins)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Here's a classmate many of you probably haven't seen in a while.

Ellen Frasher (Pospichal) and her hubby, Brian.

Ellen is a Senior Department Support Coordinator for Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids. She coordinates the exchange of data and information needed in the certification of avionics equipment.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Here's a picture of Jeff Guilford from the reunion in July.
I received the most precious handwritten thank you note from him afterwards. I have it hanging on my desk and will keep it forever!
Hey Carron -
How's it going?
You wouldn't believe the weather out here!
At 0430 this morning a storm rolled in and by 0530 we had 4" of snow and it hasn't stopped in the past 6 1/2 hours! We probably have 8" at the moment and it doesn't appear to be ending anytime soon.
We all stayed home and are enjoying a 'snow day'! My daughters really think that living in Colorado is even cooler now, since it is the first snow day they have ever had in their life! The thought of not going to school because it snowed too much was hard for them to grasp, but they appear to have the hang of it!
Not much is new on this end. I'm going down to Texas for a couple of days next week and then to Atlanta the following week on business. We are all just trying to stay warm and enjoy the down time.
Take it easy and I hope that things are going well for you.
Mike (H.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

(Here's your Halloween joke courtesy of Brett Atwood....)

A man is walking home alone late one foggy Halloween night, when behind him he hears:


Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him.


Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him.


He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him.

However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping...

...clappity-BUMP...clappity-BUMP...clappity-BUMP...on his heels as the terrified man runs.

Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, he locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps.

With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door. Bumping and clapping toward him.

The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find is a bottle of cough syrup!

Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket...


The coffin stops.

Hey Party Woman,

Where is everyone meeting Saturday night???????? Is anyone wearing Halloween costumes?

Here's a picture of Carla Etten and I (Halloween 2003?) at the Blue Chip! We were scary enough to win prizes!!!!!

See all you spooky-kooks this weekend, hehehehehehe!!!!!!!!



Thanks for asking how I am doing. I am alive and well.

We are fortunate to be where we are located and we have also avoided much of the violence. There were a number of civilian deaths the last couple of weeks in the town adjacent to our base. It was broadcast on CNN and FOX.

My job involves solving logistics problems. We find the owners of MIS-shipped items, make sure the warehouses are running smoothly, track down parts for vehicles to keep them in operation. Essentially, anything the combat soldier needs, we make sure they get it. That is why our motto is To Serve The Warrior. It is not a very glamorous job, but it needs to be done.

The rainy season is underway. It actually rained all day and just about an hour ago there was a rainbow. We are fortunate to be close to the Tigris River so the area is green with farms surrounding the base. The locals move their livestock upand down the canal.

The kids can be found at the base of the guard towers begging for candy or whatever they can scrounge. My heart goes out to the children. I wonder what kind of a future they really have. I thought the same in Afghanistan. Most of the kids wave and smile when we drive by.

Just let everyone know that I enjoy viewing the photos on the blog and of course receiving e-mails. I heard from Milt Luckstead just yesterday.

Take care and thanks for the concern.

CW3 Scott Weber
1034th CSSB
To Serve The Warrior

It's time for another one of Brenda's pictures.

Here's the group on graduation day!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hi, all!

I got a call from Mike Deutmeyer tonight.

He called the wrong number twice, before he got me the third time.

Dyslexic bastard.

He is doing well nonetheless. :-) It was good to hear from him!!!

Also heard from Di, Brian Z., Mike H., Tony, and Doug Wortman in the last 24 hours.

Good to be in touch with all of you.

Stay in touch ~
Party on........

Hey, everyone!

If you go to this website, http://www.letssaythanks.com/, you can pick out
a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier
who is currently serving in Iraq.

You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services.

(Lisa Heitland went to the Xerox website and verified that this is for real. It takes all of two minutes and the cards you get to choose from were all drawn by little kids. A sample is above. It's way cute.)

Hartford and West both won on Thursday, so they share the conference title. Playoffs start tonight.

Birthday shopping went ok. Sharon's sister works for the University of Iowa and is trying to get tickets for me to the Iowa/Wisconsin game. Not looking promising at this point, so I think I will be stopping to get another gift card tonight. His birthday is tomorrow the 25th.

The weekend was cold and rainy. Didn't do anything exciting. Actually cheered for the Hawks, but I guess it didn't help much!

How was your visit with Doug Wortman? I didn't even recognize him from the photo.

(Just a little resemblance, eh?)

Thanks for asking about things.

I am starting to get some small IT projects, but
not ready to quit the day job. It's more about tax write-offs than income at
this point.

I attached a pic of our little one, Justin (4) at his last soccer game.

Brian Z.

I received the book today! Thanks, it is awesome....
So you play golf?
What's your handicap? I also noted that Tony plays as well...you guys will
definitely have to bring your clubs out if you can ever make it out this
way...I try to play 2 - 3 times per week.....I just love that game!
I really wish that I lived closer; it would be great to go out and have a
beer with you guys! You all appear to really have a great time.
Mike (H.)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hey Carron.

I would have called you back that night, but we were out for pizza. The next day I
had a conference, so now it's Sunday; I'm on the computer and it's just
as easy to jot you a line.

Thanks for all you do! It's been great seeing what everyone's been
doing, where they are, and it was especially fun to see people face to

Karla B.
What is the most trouble you ever got into in high school? What did you do? Who else was involved? How did Hugh handle it?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

(Photo from Curt Shipley)

Here is a photo that I believe was taken at the University of Iowa, possibly during freshman year. The beer cans didn't look familiar. Upon close analysis of the photo, I determined that we were drinking Red, White and Blue. A quick Google search turned up the following review of this beer, which pretty much says it all:

"This stuff brings back the carefree college days when we'd scrounge for beer money in seat cushions and dirty clothes pockets.

This was the beer we'd buy when we didn't even have enough money for Milwaukee's Best.

It's basically fermented rice and corn (maybe just plain old sugar too) and a ton of co2. If there is any barley or hops it's not enough to matter. The key is to get it really cold and drink it really fast--- at least until you're drunk enough to be insensate.

One characteristic? Pale-- think diluted urine, fizzy, no body, tastes faintly like corn with metallic aftertaste. Light bodied to the extreme like carbonated water with 4% alcohol.

Drinkability? Yeah right, this stuff is for getting drunk when you have no money."
That's pretty cool that you ran into Kent Reynolds just as everyone is catching up.

Attached is a bad scan of a photo of Kent starting a fire for a cookout at Mt. Dope.

(Thanks to Curt for the photo.)

Friday, October 20, 2006

(That's Karla in the middle in the white shirt! Doesn't she look fabulous? Also pictured: Kathy, Tom, Tony, and Scott.)


Thanks for all you do.

It's amazing how many people are enjoying the site, and they weren't even in our class. Like Doug Wortman. I grew up near him and haven't heard anything about him or his family for a long time.

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks,

Karla (B)

A picture from the reunion in July.

Tammy, Dick, Theresa, DeDe, Brien, Byron, Stu, Mike, Carron, Kath, Ron, Al.
Y'all will never guess who just walked into my office to take a test!!!!
I looked at him, he looked at me, I looked at him....finally, I said, "Are you Kent?"
He gave me his e-mail address, so let's all welcome him into the fold!
Yeah, Kent!!

Carron -

Unbelievable, we received 5" of snow on Tuesday and it was gone and it was back up to 60 on Thursday! Matter of fact, I'm probably going to play golf tomorrow if the weather man is wrong (another chance of snow tonight)!

How was the Robin Williams movie?

Yes, I concur, reconnecting with folks is definitely fun. It's really neatto hear from folks and find out where they are and what they are doing. Since you found me and posted the stuff on the blog, I've heard from Brian Zimmerman, Tony Meill, Brett Atwood & Tom Hatcher. Since I was sort of a geek in HS and didn't have a lot of friends, I don't expect to hear from too many folks, but it definitely is interesting to hear/read about everyone's past 25 years. Again, I cannot thank you enough for the time and energy that you have put into the Blog and reconnecting the class!

As my almost 17 year old daughter would say.......you rock!


Mike (Hauser)

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I am really enjoying the blog. Because I no longer have family in Anamosa, I rarely have the chance to get to town when I am back in Iowa. It has been a lot of fun catching up with folks via the blog.

Thanks for all of your hard work on it.

Keep it up.



I think it's time to draw Dorman back out of the woodwork around here.


Here is a picture of Michele Cass and her hubby, Eldon, and her kids, Samantha (16) and Dustin (14).

Michele is an enrichment coordinator in an elementary school where she schedules speakers, field trips, orders buses, and calls on volunteers to help out.


Doug Wortman was asking about Brad, so I am posting the best picture I have of him. This was taken in August when he and his family were in town for a visit.

Sorry, bro......ya know I love you!!!


Question for you, is Carron an old family name?

Take care,

Doug W.
(Diane's son, Ryan Boyer)


The big news around the Boyer house involves football. West (where I work) beat Hartford on Friday night. Hartford was undefeated, and now will most likely share the conference title with West. Unless of course, West loses tonight. The drama of it all!!! Several of Ryan's close friends are big studs on the team, so it has been the topic of conversation almost every night!! Hartford goes into the playoffs next week, so the drama is likely to continue for a while!! The crap I took this week for West beating undefeated Hartford was almost unbearable. If West loses tonight, I swear I will wear a Hartford Football sweatshirt to work tomorrow!!! HA!!

Ryan turns 17 next week, so I think some birthday shopping is in the works this weekend. Any chance you can get Iowa/Wisconsin football tickets??? He would LOVE that as a birthday gift!! Anyway, no plans in stone for the weekend!!

Best get back to work! Chat with ya later!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I have it written down on my calendar; but, also written down is a middle school dance 7:30 - 10:00. I don't know what Kristin's plans are yet for the dance. If it works out with my kids' schedule of activities then YES WOMAN!! I'll BE THERE!! But, at this moment I cannot say for sure.

Nick's knee was still way too sore to be manipulated much by the orthopedic dr.; so, we are scheduled to go back again next week. He is in a knee immobilizer and on crutches. Which, is working for the time being. He's doing well with it all. He has really good buddies to help him around at school. He needs my help to get his sock and shoe on, which in one sense is nice to be needed.

There is always something good that comes out of something bad if one is willing to look for it. I tend to favor looking for the "good" in all situations. It's a much brighter outlook in life to find and focus on the positives!

I phoned and left a message for Jeff Wilharm regarding the
www.anamosaclassof1981.blogspot.com , he was interested in passing it onto his brother Clark Wilharm. Do you remember him? He was in our class. Clark used to go out with DeDe Cook at one time.

Well, I am exhausted! gonna go catch some ZZzzzzzzzzzzs :)

Have a good one!


I found something "fun" in the Monticello Express Newspaper today. Do you remember this show? We were just talking about this earlier in October at Tucker's!! Check out the prices listed in this ad!!! I guess you'd say this was from "waaay back in the day"!

Bren (Brenda Hanken)
(This quote was sent to me anonymously tonight, so I don't know to whom the credit goes, but I like it.)

"In youth, we learn what is important; in age, we understand."

How was your movie?

Was looking on the blog site tonite, scrolled thru everything and saw "view complete profile" or something like that and where you have listed education as the industry you're in is highlighted, so i clicked on it. Have you done this yet? Well, if you haven't, you should check it out. It pulls up however many other bloggers are in "education" also and apparently you can contact them.

Just wondering if you knew this cuz you are SUCH a thorough bastard LOL!!

How many people do ya think will contribute to Jack and Diane--ha!

luv you girlie

(Some thoughts Sharon Covington sent to me and wanted me to share....)
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Hey, Carron!

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you..I have been out of town the last 2 weekends and playing catch up during the week!

You are doing a great job with the site and I love reading and looking at all the pictures! I know it is early (holiday speaking) but I think we are in Iowa right after Christmas..I would love to have a drink (okay several) with anyone who is around.

Take care and let us know how the movie was.

By the way are the Hawkeyes trying to kill us? What a horrible game!


Erin (Burke)
(Here's our little double-fisting gal from a small shindig we all had on September 16, 2006.)

Has anyone told you lately that you're the best?!

The blog site just continues to be awesome, woman!

You definitely are the "reconnectionist" queen bastard.



Thanks for the classmate updates. It looks to me like everyone has really taken a liking to this thing and has gotten long lost friends back together or at least talking again. I have several friends from my Army days that I would love to see again, but fear that this may never occur. What a shame it is to loose friendships because of geographical reasons. The Internet has certainly helped, so I haven’t given up completely on seeing them again and your efforts have actually given me more hope as of late, so again keep up the good work.

John Starr

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Thanks for writing me back. So, what have you been doing lately? Do you still live in eastern Iowa? I apologize for not responding in a more timely manner. I have been doing very well. I just returned from London, England, where I enjoyed a week of vacation. The weather over there was sunny and in the high 60's-low 70's; much better than I expected.

I am very glad that you have written back to me. Most importantly, how are you?

I hope to hear from you soon.

Stay beautiful,

Dan (Thomas)


Mike Hauser sent this to me. I have not seen him in many years. Great to see you that your class is keeping together via blog.

Very cool.

Doug Wortman



My Sister Shari still lives in Ely. I try to get there every couple of months. Small world is right. Yes, Dad mentioned a while back about getting together with your parents. My memory is not crystal on this, however, I am thinking it was near St. Petes.

I take my boys (now 16 & 15) to Colorado skiing, every year I can. I have a close friend from college who lives in the springs who we typically fly in to see first. This year, we will meet up with Mike as well. I drug Mike H. out there a couple years with my friends in the early 80's. Not sure I could handle that much fun anymore.

Julie is in Waterloo. She has two wonderful children that I see a few times a month (they come over and play). She works for a Group of Attorneys and loves the legal stuff.

How is Brad doing? Still overseas?

So, you first, tell me what you do in Ely and why you have decided to come back or stay in Iowa?

Doug W.

(Here is a current picture and e-mail from Doug Eden. Nice to see he is a good Democrat!!)


W O W , that was a quick reply ! ! Is a nice change. Aa lot of people blow ya off thru emails, or answer them weeks later. .

It was sweet to hear that you remember bringing me a card and visiting me in the hospital I have not felt so loved and warmly care about ever since then. Third day of my hospital stay I had 114 get well cards. . . This last birthday ( Sept. 17) I got 4 cards and one of them was our insurance agent ! !

My lil boy, THOUGH, Loves daddy thru and thru , He and I are tight. He turned 7 last May. All of my classmates have teens like you do , AND then here I am 43 and father of a 2nd grader. But I love fatherhood and my boy.

So what does your husband do?

I didn'tknow Kirkood even HAD a test center. . I am sooo glad that YOU love your job. That is very rare ya know. Although my dad LOVES bein a deputy. I wish he'd done it 25 years sooner, maybe he wouldn't have been so surly when I was kid.

How is your dad ? ? ( or Brad ) ? I haven't heard about them in a long time.

Are you as beautiful as ya are sweet ? ? Would LOVE to see a recent pic of you, ( and the family )

Well, I gotta get boy ready for school ealry in morn so better get offline and hit the sheets.

Thank you for bein so friendly and welcoming to me. I really needed a friend outside of my little drama here.

YOUR a great and kind woman, and I am thrilled to be getting acquainted with you again.

Doug Eden

I had a great time. Wished a few folks in town would have come in, but the Iowa tailgaters. I never see Kegs anymore. We were next door neighbors so we go way back to age 2.

I will be seeing Kathy tonight since I get my red back to red. I have had it that color since 1986 - can't believe.

Have been traveling for work just got back from Atlanta. Now with this new contact you have well organized I can try to look up some classmates when I travel for work. Looking forward to more of these get together. Christmas should pull a few people in.

See you later.

Michelle A. Nelson (Phillips)
Credit Analyst
Dexter Financial Services, Inc.
5001 J Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Ph (800) 926-8230
Fax (319) 364-6502

Di went through her archives and dug up a bunch of photos!

Should we all sing "a little ditty about Jack and Diane?"

Thanks for sharing, woman!

Monday, October 16, 2006

(To catch Mike at home, use this e-mail address: michael.hauser@msn.com)

Hi Carron!
Great to hear from you, things are going great! We are just about completely unpacked and getting settled in our new house. Of the 10 moves that we have made as a family in the past 17 years this was probably the hardest. We have learned that building a new house can really be exhausting. Since we are in a brand new development, we have had to do all of the landscaping, build a deck, and finish off the unpacking! Tonight was awesome, I finally finished cleaning the garage and we actually were able to put all three cars away!! Now I only have my office and two closets and I'm home free!!

Rhonda and the girls are doing great. Rhonda really enjoys the school district that she is teaching in and the girls are so busy with classes and extra curricular activities that it is almost too much. My job keeps me busy and at the moment I do not have to travel a lot so it's pretty nice to sleep in my own bed at night.

It was really great to reconnect with Tony and catch up on the last 25 years! I knew that Tony had gone into the USAF, but I wasn't sure where he ended up. By all means, feel free to take a road trip and come on out! Since you have been to Colorado Springs, you know how much there is to do in the immediate area! Again, we have plenty of room for you, Tony and probably anyone else that you want to bring. Not sure I could host an entire reunion, but I could certainly have a big party or barbeque to support any event you want to plan in Colorado Springs! I'm not sure if you remember my friend Doug Wortman; however, he's coming out in February!!

So, what have you been doing for the past 25 years? Where do you work, live, etc? By looking at all of the photos, you really appear to be enjoying life! Whatever you are doing appears to be working...so don't stop! It really would be great to see you and catch up on life. Sorry that we won't make it back for Thanksgiving; however, I'm sure that we will be able to get together the next time that we are back in Iowa.I would really enjoy it. My father passed away three years ago, and last year my mother moved down to Bettendorf to live closer to my older sister, Sandy. Sandy is currently the Director of the Physical Therapy Dept at St. Ambrose University and lives in Bettendorf with her husband and three children. My younger sister, Lori, lives with her husband and two children in North Liberty. Lori has worked at ACT Testing for almost 20 years.

Not much more at this time, take care and stay in touch, now that we are connected, I don't want to take 25 years to reconnect again!


Mike (Hauser)
Pictures from Brett Atwood.... his truck, his bike, his beautiful wife, Jen, and him at Texas Motor Speedway!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like little Brett is doing quite well for himself. So awesome to hear from him. Now, if we could get his butt up here to visit us all.......
Darcie and her daughter, Andrea.
Darcie sent me this picture of her and her daughter, Andrea!!

My gosh, Darc, she is beautiful. Just like her momma!!!

Thanks for sharing.

Talked to Joe tonight. He is a sick guy with a cold and a stuffy nose. Poor baby!

I don't know how old Joe was in the little picture, but here he is on Oct. 6th in the big one.

Joe was having fun. He was one hugging bastard that night. :-)

My first day back at work went very well!! Thank you for thinking of me...

I just got back from a co-worker's birthday party and the only down-side of this whole day has been coming home and finding out that Cookie broke into my trash can and spread garbage all over my living room!! That little BITCH!!! I had my neighbor come let her out for a while so I wouldn't have to drive all the way back here just to let her go outside to do her business. But sometimes when she feels like she's being neglected - like say she spends 8 hours alone at home and then just has someone let her out for 5 minutes and goes right back in the house by herself - she gets pissed at me at lets me know it!! That was some ripe garbage!!! I still can't get the smell off my hands....

Anyway, hope you're having a good time tonight. Because of the birthday party, which I completely forgot about, I decided to stay here for the weekend instead of trekking back there again. Hope you had a great weekend!!

Chat at you later,


(Here is a picture of Tony and Michelle Phillips from our little gathering in Anamosa on October 6th.)

Tried to post a comment and I guess I must not know what I am doing.

Anyway - NICE photos!!


(Di and I won the "Still Best Friends After All These Years" Award at the reunion. Check out these photos......I have too many chins and Di has no eyes.)

Since we all love to see pics of families and kids, here is one of Darcie, her daughter, Brittney, and Brittney's boyfriend. (His name escapes me.)

Darcie's going to be a sexy grandma again in January!!!!!!!!!!!